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学者 / 教育与进修学院 / 教师教育-高中


如果你热爱历史,热爱教学, 来探索社会, 政治, 过去的经济和宗教塑造了我们的世界. 以及对历史更全面的理解, 你将继续在课堂上和七年级到十二年级的学生一起工作, 在不同的教学环境中获得宝贵的实地经验, 包括公共, 私人, 农村和城市环境.

B.A. 历史学士学位,并取得综合社会研究学士学位, 7 - 12年级, 是与卢尔德大学合作开设的. 教师 from Lourdes University teach all of the education coursework on Tiffin University’s campus. Teacher credentialing and certification will be handled through the Lourdes University Division of Education. 与此同时, the general education curriculum and the content specialization in history are taught by Tiffin University faculty.

This major will provide you with all of the coursework necessary for a degree in integrated social studies. You will also meet the adolescent and young adult licensing requirements and teaching credentials for integrated social studies, 7 - 12年级.

  • 国家认证(TEAC, 2010)
  • 一直被评为“有效”,俄亥俄州教师培训项目的最高排名
  • Field experiences range from one-day observations in the first Education courses to 15-weeks during student teaching

Adolescent to Young Adult (AYA) education is a specialized field of study with a body of knowledge and research that recognizes the distinct developmental stage of students from ages 12-21 and 7 - 12年级. This program is designed to prepare you for a teaching career by providing an education that allows you the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills and disposition necessary to teach and work with adolescents and young adults in 7 - 12年级.

The curriculum is based on contemporary research and the most current standard requirements of the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE); Ohio Department of Education (ODE); the 国际 Society for Teaching in Education (ITSE); the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE); the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM); the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS); and the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA).

  • 教育是一个不断发展的领域,由于COVID, 许多教师已决定退休, 在K-12环境中创造了许多机会.
  • The History with licensure in 综合社会研究 program leads to State Licensure within Ohio.
  • 课程由该领域的专业人士教授.
  • You’ll gain professional experience in the school setting – starting with your first education course.
  • The program has field experiences and clinical hours built into each semester of the student’s experiences.
  • 该计划提供在各种教学环境中的实地经验, 包括公共, 私人, 农村和城市环境.
  • TU的教育俱乐部和教育活动将您与校园联系起来,并帮助您建立紧密的社区.

Clinical and field experiences are incorporated throughout all four years of the student experience. 这项工作建立在先前的知识基础上,并随着您在该领域的继续发展而获得更多的实践经验. 您将不再观察类, 在不同的课堂环境中建立和教学课程, 使用从你的内容和教育课程工作中获得的知识.

在你的程序中, 你将在历史知识方面打下坚实的基础, 把过去和现在联系起来. You’ll gain insights into student development (psychology/sociology) and learning styles and needs. 你会学到评估, 住宿, 修改, 在单位规划中实现技术的多样性和整合.


  • 课程计划
  • 评估
  • 时间管理
  • 沟通
  • 组织
  • 课堂管理
  • 协作
  • 分化

体验式学习是教学的精髓. 没有在教室里观察和教学的经验, 你会在精神上准备不足, 在情感上和学术上都能在现实世界中进行教学.

在你的课程中, 你会在大学课堂上以同学为对象进行练习, work with peers to build unit plans and assessments and engage in discussions around scenarios to help prepare you for the classroom setting. You’ll then take what you’ve learned and teach these lessons to students in the 7-12 setting as a classroom leader.

  • You’ll gain professional experience in the school setting – starting with your first education course.
  • You’ll take a diversity-in-education course along with a course that introduces you to challenges within the inclusion and special needs setting, allowing you to learn how to communicate and work effectively with others who are different from yourself.
  • You’ll use an e-Portfolio as a digital repository for your work in your history courses and in your education work at Lourdes University.
  • The Education Club provides you opportunities to meet other students and participate in various activities and events.


  • COM130口语交流 & 简报- 3小时
  • 修辞学和研究性写作[作文]- 3小时
  • 修辞学与学术写作(w)[作文]- 3小时
  • MAT185定量推理- 3小时
  • 应用统计学I - 3小时
  • 学习中的技术- 1小时
  • EDU251技术 & 学习教学法- 1小时
  • 技术,教育学, & 学习内容- 1小时
    • [EDU151/251/351合并符合CIS要求]
  • NAT130健康生活基础- 3小时

总计- 21小时

  • 教育中的多元文化和社会问题- 3学时

合计- 3小时

  • 起飞- 3小时
  • DEC200探索- 3小时
  • DEC300/320连接- 3小时
  • DEC400/420冲击- 3小时
  • DEC400L Impact ePortfolio - 1小时

总计- 13小时

  • 文化地理- 3小时
  • 宏观经济学原理- 3小时
  • 微观经济学原理- 3小时
  • HIS122历史研究(w) - 3小时
  • 创建一个国家(w) - 3小时
  • HIS242美国历史1865 - 1945 (w) - 3小时
  • 全球领导力的挑战:1945年后的美国历史(w) - 3小时
  • HIS303人类黎明(w) - 3小时
  • 新兴西方(w) - 3小时
  • HIS410互联世界(w) - 3小时
  • HIS425历史学(w) - 3小时
  • 两门300-400级的HIS选修课- 6小时
  • 政治地理- 3小时
  • POL391比较政治制度- 3小时

总计- 45小时

  • EDU100教育基础或EDU 101教育桥梁(1小时)- 3小时
  • EDU230特殊需要教育概览- 3小时
  • 教育心理学与人类发展- 3小时
  • EDU319《儿童中期课堂管理 & AYA教育- 3小时
  • EDU329差异化教学 & 评估- 3小时

总计- 15小时

  • EDA235临床课程 & AYA指南- 3小时
  • EDA250通用教学方法和现场经验1 - 3小时
  • EDA351社会研究方法和实地经验II - 3小时
  • EDA490青少年和青年成人学生教学- 12小时

总计- 21小时

  • 内容区阅读和写作- 3学时

合计- 3小时

所需总时数- 121小时

这是一个示例课程序列来说明本专业的课程设置. 有关详细的注册和咨询信息,请咨询官方学术公报.


创建一个国家:内战中的美国(HIS231) -从前哥伦布时代的美洲原住民文化开始, 这门课程研究欧洲对美洲的殖民, 强调英语经验. 分析了美国革命的原因和关键因素, 这个新独立的国家所面临的挑战和所享有的机会也是如此. 学生将探索互动社会, 政治, 经济, 军事, 以及强调国家发展的宗教主题. The course concludes with an investigation of growing tensions between the North and the South that emerged as the nation moved westward, 产生了不可调和的冲突,最终导致内战. 这是一门写作强化课程.

美国,1865-1945:巩固、工业化、 & 崛起为全球领袖(HIS242) – Efforts to reconstruct the South and uncertainty over the future of freed slaves following the Civil War provide the introduction for this class. 学生们还将追溯工业化和工会主义的显著兴起, “西部的胜利,城市化的挑战, unprecedented immigration around 1900 and the country’s growing commitment in Asia following the Spanish-American War. The uncertainties associated with capitalism are explored through investigations of the various depressions that rocked the nation periodically during the 19th and 20th centuries. 最后, an investigation of America’s role in two world wars helps students understand how the United States emerged as a world leader in 1945. 这是一门写作强化课程.

全球领导力的挑战:1945年后的美国 – The class follows the post-war trail of mutual misunderstanding and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union, which solidified into intransigent ideological positions during the nearly 4 decades of threat and counter-threat known as the Cold War. 试图阻止苏联的扩张, the nation found itself embroiled in a number of wars in far-flung corners of the post-colonial world. 在家里, 学生们会发现美国享有前所未有的经济增长, 但也有激烈的种族和性别平等辩论, 环境问题, 代际和文化差异以及日益增长的商业化. 到20世纪末, 全球化问题, 恐怖主义, 人口增长和移民, growing 政治 discord and technological innovation left the United States facing a world of uncertainty, 也有机会. 这是一门写作强化课程.


在校园 -提供15周的学期形式,开始日期为1月和8月



This major will provide you with all of the coursework necessary for a degree in integrated social studies. You will also meet the Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) licensing requirements and teaching credentials for integrated social studies, 7 - 12年级.

  • 克利夫兰大都会学区
  • 地平线科学院
  • 俄亥俄虚拟学院
  • 仁海集团有限公司.
  • 斯普林伯勒社区城市学校
  • 托莱多公立学校
  • 朱砂当地学校
  • 沃伦县教育服务中心
  • 温彻斯特公立学校





“当涉及到新事物时,任何人的头脑中都会有一点怀疑. 但对我来说,我认为证明那些说我做不到的人是错的是我最大的动力. 对我来说再也没有什么是不可能的了. The world is constantly changing and I feel like 我是 much more capable of adapting to those changes now compared to when I was walking on to TU’s campus for the first time.”
